This toolkit, Using Digital Solutions to Address Barriers to Female Entrepreneurship, was developed by the Finance, Competitiveness & Innovation (FCI) Global Practice of the World Bank Group. Contributors include the International Finance Corporation, the World Bank’s Gender Group, the Digital Global Practice, and CGAP. The team of authors was led by Margaret Miller (FCI) and Marlon Rawlins (FCI) and includes Lucero Burga (FCI), Noa Gimelli, Sophia Muradyan (FCI), Anja Robakowski (EFIOS), and Gwen Snyder. Anja Robakowski was instrumental in providing technical leadership and in coordinating feedback and input from the large number of contributors. The team gratefully acknowledges in-depth contributions from Ida Mboob (DD), Joshua Wimpey (DEC), and Joao Montalvao (GIL). Ramin Aliyev led the technical development of the online data-generation tool. Peer review comments were received from Alicia Hammond, Leonardo Iacovone, and Douglas Randall. The toolkit further benefited from discussions with and guidance from additional World Bank colleagues — thanks go to Akhtar Mahmood, Alexa Roscoe, Alicia Hammond, Angela Elzir Assy, Brendon Matias, Ceci Sager, Daniel Halim, Daniela Perovic, Diana Arango, Diego Ubfal, Diletta Doretti, Francisco Campos, Henriette Kolb, Jana Malinska, Johanna Yancari, Kathleen Beegle, Komal Mohindra, Leora Klapper, Marie Christine Apedo Amah, Markus Goldstein, Natalia Agapitova, Prasanna Lal Das, Qursum Qasim, Salman Alibhai, Sharada Srinivasan, Toyin Jagha, Victoria Esquivel Korsiak, Vyjayanti Desai, Wendy Teleki, and Yasmin Klaudia Bin Humam. External contributors included Linda Scott (Brown University) and Mayra Buvinic (Center for Global Development). Design and editing were provided by Diego Catto Val and Susan Boulanger, respectively. Development of the toolkit was funded by the FIRST Initiative.
This web site was conceptualized by Noa Gimelli and Anja Robakowski and produced by Santiago Machuca, Vignesh Soundararajan and Gerard Van der Linden.